Equipment Training

Please note that effective May 1, 2018, the SCRC Recharge Facility has implemented new iLab Scheduling and Recharge System. You will need to create your user account prior to booking and using all equipment. Contact Vanessa, Allia, or the SCRC Administrative team if you need any assistance setting up your account. All usage must be logged in real time by online sign in and sign out to ensure appropriate billing.

Tissue Culture Rooms


The Core Facility houses a number of shared tissue culture rooms providing two-stage, HEPA and ULPA, sterile culturing environments and two teaching rooms dedicated specifically for Courses and training new researchers. Rooms are outfitted with HEPA filters, CO2 incubators for growing cells, fridges and freezers for storing media, water baths, centrifuges, phase microscopes, and ULPA biosafety cabinets for sterile cell work.

Tissue Culture Rooms

Microscope with Screen - AMG EVOS

Biosafety Cabinets - Esco Class II Type A2