Gross Hall Building Updates
Gross Hall Building Updates
As your labs’ research may be ramping down non-critical research, in response to the guidance from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, there are a few building-related guidelines we would like to share.
Please have someone for your lab track your packages, be aware of possible delays via the tracking number, and be available to receive and put away your items. Allia Fawaz will put up signs for packages to be delivered to the lobby and will alert the lab manager via email for packages delivered. If she is unable to distinguish which lab it belongs to, she will email all lab managers. Please check your lab area for any deliveries or misdeliveries.
To insure proper delivery of future packages, please include:
1) A room number (such as your tissue culture room). Do NOT include faculty/staff offices as they will be locked and most likely not delivered to the proper location. Do NOT include hallway areas (such as 2200), as hallway areas are commonly misdelivered to another lab.
2) Your PI’s last name and the purchaser’s first or last name (in your lab) so the deliverer can deliver it to the correct location (by using your PI’s name) and so that you can deliver it to the correct purchaser.
Lab CO2/LN2: AirGas will continue to deliver CO2 and LN2, any issues should be reported to AirGas. They are not taking new customers at this time. Please visit their website for updated information. Please monitor your lab's supply.
Shared building CO2: If you are using the shared building CO2 in the back hallway of your floor, please make sure you are monitoring the amounts in the tanks and order as needed on your scheduled rotating basis.
Building access: During normal business hours, the building lobby will continue to remain unlocked with the rest of the building requiring keycard access.
Facilities: Facilities (and the lock shop) will have minimal staff, if there are any building related issues, please contact facilities at 949-824-5444.
Keycards: At this time, Allia Fawaz will still able to activate existing keycards and purchase new ones.
Dry ice: Dry ice will continue to be delivered on Mondays, please let Allia Fawaz know of any missed deliveries.
For building related questions, please contact Allia Fawaz at