Bold Expressions
2015 May 7
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Why attend BoldExpressions?
Not far from you, at UC Irvine's Sue & Bill Gross Hall: A CIRM Institute, a team of dedicated individuals are investigating how exciting new stem cell technology might be used to prevent blindness, repair traumatic spinal cord injuries, treat the effects of stroke and resolve a host of other debilitating conditions.
This groundbreaking research consumes the waking hours of individuals you might call neighbors. Quite possibly, their children attend school with your children or grandchildren. Their spouses could be your co-workers.
We invite you to meet these dedicated researcher at, "Bold Expressions," a very special exhibition of strikingly beautiful stem cell photographs. Scientists will be on hand to talk about their bold portrayals of stem cells and to answer your questions about how these microscopic cells and tissues might be used to treat disease, screen new drugs or develop models for studying normal growth and the causes of birth defects.
Stem cell research has the potential to change the future of medicine. Learn more about this bold adventure.
We hope you'll join us.
Thank you to our Platinum sponsor: The Thorp Family
RSVP Required.
For information, call: 949-824-9021 or email,
Edward O. Thorp Conference Center Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center